A special interest and joy of mine is to work with women over 40. Women, as men, face unique joys and
challenges in life. In my experience, women over 40 take much of their resilience and wisdom into the therapy process and are intent on changing course. Often, career building and nurturing family takes precedence in the first half of life. In the second half of life, women are frequently interested in a deeper internal journey that brings forth a stronger vision of themselves.
If issues like past traumas, compulsive behaviors, or relationship issues fog up a woman’s current joy and focus, she is now much more determined to clear those issues to experience herself in a more authentic, strong way. In her second half of life a woman is less interested in what others think of her and more interested in who she wants define herself as.
In the 21 st century women enjoy longer life spans, increased access to continuing education, and the chance to occupy many roles that might not have been open to their mothers and grandmothers. Nurturing our passion, good nutrition and exercise can keep us vital and energetic into our 70’s, 80’s, and beyond.
Barriers to change are now mostly internal, not external.
If you are a woman in your second half of life and want to clear issues that no longer serve you, I’d be honored to work with you.