Lao Tzu
As a therapist I have the great privilege and joy to keep investigating the commonalities and unique perspectives of human life.
The more I've studied what moves and motivates us and what essentially gives us a sense of meaning, flow, and joy of expression, the more I've started to embrace the idea that every human being is on a journey - one that doesn’t only encompass our own cognitive perceptions, but often intersects with synchronicities, intuitive knowing, sign posts, and the occasional other-worldly. The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung discussed the idea of the collective unconscious, a vast array of knowledge that is accessible via our instincts and has been sourced by all of humanity. Religious scholars in the East - and many people in the West - have come to believe that the soul reincarnates and thus informs the current life and our goals. The journey reaches farther than the current life and is embedded in a wider context. Many of us have encountered Joseph Campbell’s ideas of the Hero’s Journey, a personal maturation process through life's tasks and trials that takes on mythical dimensions.
No one can know with absolute certainty what lies before or beyond us, or claim to know the true meaning of why we are here. However, I’ve seen that opening ourselves to the idea of a soul journey creates different questions and outlooks for the problems we encounter. It can essentially shift the possibilities we imagine for ourselves. (I like the word “soul” as a canvas for greater meaning and to include people’s senses of innately spiritual aspects of their experience.)
The biggest shift in my mind is that we no longer have to see ourselves as victims of our circumstances, but can ask ourselves how road blocks, perceived misfortunes and even past traumas help shape us, give us opportunities for growth and as such lead to soul maturation and expansion. We can get curious and explore the patterns of our current life, look at the challenges and themes that present themselves, and stop comparing ourselves with others. My hope is that we can shift from being focused on arriving at the ever evasive goal of happiness and instead create a greater depth of meaning and personal strength that will allow us to feel joyful.
The idea of a soul journey must, in my mind, also encompass the meaning that every soul is precious, every journey is significant, and even a detour might bring the traveler necessary knowledge and information.